An online advertising and marketing program that drives qualified customers to your business. Our interactive giveaways and game promotions keep prospective customers engaged while collection data and taking surveys to bring you the information needed to increase sales

  • Local Targeted Advertising
  • Surveys & Data Collection
  • Interactive Games
  • Simplified Prize Giveaways
  • Lead Qualification
  • Qualification Incentives
  • Reporting & Tracking
  • Real-Time Leads & Data Mining
  • Customer Retention Programs
  • Premiums & Incentives

Our data collection system can be customized in a number of different ways, from collecting a minimum amount of information to increase the volume of sales leads, as well as collecting more detailed information to increase the quality of sales leads. It’s your choice.
Every online advertising campaign can be customized to collect simple data such as first and last name with email address or extended data which includes first and last name along with full mailing address, email address and phone numbers.
Our survey system allows you to have the prospective customer answer several multiple choice questions to help qualify them to your specific products or services. We take this one step further, by allowing you to offer qualified leads special incentives and/or discounts to further entice them into coming to your store.


All of the customer information entered, as well as the IntellAppend Data Mining information is available through our robust web interface. In addition to the information entered, we offer a number of reports showing responses, survey result totals, and more.

We can also track the source of your prospective customer by the advertisement they responded to. Our online program can be expanded to fit any kind of media, such as print, television, radio, newspaper and more.

The future is always within sight!